E-2 Visa: A comprehensive guide

Law firm for international law in Kerpen and Witten

International law | Strong partner for US visa applications

E-2 Visa

Law firm for international law in Kerpen and Witten

Lawyer for - International Law | Employment Law | Criminal Law | IT Law | Data Protection

The E-2 visa is a nonimmigrant visa specifically designed for investors and entrepreneurs who wish to operate a business in the United States. This visa offers numerous benefits and opportunities for foreign investors and their families who make a significant financial contribution to the U.S. economy. In this comprehensive guide, we will highlight the most important aspects of the E-2 visa and why it is essential for applicants, attorney to make use of support.

E-2 visa, non-immigrant visa, employment visa, investor visa, US visa

The E-2 visa

1. the advantages of the E-2 visa

The E-2 visa offers numerous advantages for investors and their families. It allows the holder to live and work in the U.S. as long as the business remains operational and profitable. Family members of the visa holder, including spouses and children under the age of 21, can also live in the U.S. and have access to education and employment opportunities. In addition, the spouse of the E-2 visa holder can apply for a work permit that allows him or her to work in the U.S.

Living and working opportunities

The opportunity to live and work in the USA is one of the biggest advantages of the E-2 visa. This not only opens up business opportunities, but also the chance to experience the American culture and way of life. Entrepreneurs can manage their business locally, which is often more effective than remote management from abroad. Additionally, investors can network and form partnerships that will help grow their business.

For families, the E-2 visa means access to high-quality educational institutions and health services. Children can seamlessly integrate into the American education system, which will bring them many long-term benefits. The spouse also has the opportunity to pursue a career in the US, which further strengthens the family's financial stability.

No fixed minimum investment

Another advantage of the E-2 visa is that there is no fixed minimum investment. Although the investment must be significant, the amount required depends on the type and size of the business. This offers flexibility and allows entrepreneurs to invest in small or medium-sized companies without being bound by a specific financial threshold.

Extension options

The E-2 visa can be extended indefinitely as long as the business remains operational and profitable and the investment criteria are met. This provides long-term stability and planning security for investors and their families. However, it is important to note that the visa itself does not provide a direct path to permanent residency (green card). Nevertheless, many investors use the E-2 visa as a first step to later explore other paths to permanent residency in the US.

The E-2 visa

2. requirements for the E-2 visa

To qualify for an E-2 visa, the applicant must be a citizen of a country that has an investment treaty with the United States. The applicant must make a significant investment in a U.S. business, although the exact amount may vary depending on the type and size of the business. The investment must be self-funded and used in an active business enterprise that contributes to job creation and economic development.


Nationality is a determining factor for E-2 visa eligibility. Only nationals of countries that have a trade and shipping agreement with the US can apply for an E-2 visa. A list of these countries is available on the U.S. Department of State website. It is important to ensure that you are a citizen of a qualifying country before applying.

Significant investment

The definition of a "significant investment" can vary. Generally, an investment is considered significant if it is sufficient to run a successful business. This means that the investment must be large enough to ensure that the business not only survives but is also profitable. There is no set minimum investment, but smaller investments (for example, under $100,000) may be subject to stricter scrutiny.

Active business enterprise

The investment must flow into an active business enterprise. This means that the business must be operational and profit-oriented. Passive investments such as in real estate or securities do not qualify. The business must also contribute to job creation and have a positive impact on the US economy.

Direct and verifiable control

The investor must have direct and demonstrable control over the invested funds and the business. This means that the investor must own a majority of the company's shares or have a significant controlling position in the company. It is not sufficient to simply provide capital; the investor must be actively involved in the management and operation of the company.

The E-2 visa

3. application process for the E-2 visa

The application process for an E-2 visa is complex and requires careful preparation and documentation. First, the applicant must identify a business in the USA and provide an investment amount. A detailed business plan must then be prepared that demonstrates the economic viability and potential of the business. The applicant must also prove that the investment funds have been legally acquired. Once the application has been submitted, all required documents and forms must be completed and submitted to the relevant US embassy or consulate.

Steps of the application process

  • Identification and preparation of the investmentThe first step is to identify a suitable business in the USA and provide the necessary investment amount. This may include the establishment of a new business or the acquisition of an existing business.

  • Preparation of a business planA detailed business plan is essential. This plan should include information on the business model, market analysis, financial projections and planned job creation. The business plan must clearly demonstrate the economic viability and potential of the business.

  • Proof of investment fundsThe applicant must prove that the investment funds were acquired legally. This can be done by means of bank statements, tax returns and other financial documents.

  • Submission of the applicationThe application and all required documents must be submitted to the appropriate U.S. Embassy or Consulate. This includes the completion of forms DS-160 and DS-156E and the submission of supporting documents.

  • Interview dateAfter the application has been submitted, an interview appointment will be arranged at the US embassy or consulate. During the interview, questions will be asked about the investment, the business plan and the applicant's personal background.

  • Approval and receipt of the visaIf the application is approved, the applicant will receive the E-2 visa, which allows them to travel to the U.S. and operate the business.

Important documents and forms for the E-2 visa

Numerous documents and forms are required to apply for an E-2 visa. The most important documents include

  • Proof of nationalityPassport copies and other documents proving the applicant's nationality.
  • Proof of investment fundsBank statements, tax returns and other financial documents showing that the investment funds have been legally acquired.
  • Detailed business planA comprehensive business plan outlining the business model, market analysis, financial projections and planned job creation.
  • Financial reports of the companyExisting financial reports of the company, if it is an existing business.
  • Tax returnsTax returns of the applicant and the company.
  • Rental agreements or proof of ownership for business premisesDocuments proving the ownership or tenancy of the business premises.
  • Company registration documentsDocuments proving the company's registration in the USA.
  • Business licenses and permitsRequired licenses and permits for the operation of the company.
  • Bank statementsCurrent and historical bank statements showing the availability of investment funds.
  • Curriculum vitae of the applicantA current curriculum vitae of the applicant outlining his/her professional and entrepreneurial experience.

Forms to be completed

The forms to be completed include:

  • DS-160 (Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application)An online form that collects basic information about the applicant and the purpose of the visit to the United States.
  • DS-156E (Nonimmigrant Treaty Trader/Investor Application)A special form for E-2 visa applications that collects detailed information about the investment and the business enterprise.
  • G-28 (Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative): A form that enables the Lawyer to represent the applicant before the US immigration authorities.
E-2 visa, non-immigrant visa, employment visa, investor visa, US visa

The E-2 visa

4. common challenges and how a lawyer can help

The application process for an E-2 visa can be complex and time-consuming. Common challenges include obtaining and documenting investment funds, creating a compelling business plan, and complying with the stringent requirements of U.S. immigration authorities. An experienced Lawyer can help compile the required documents, write the business plan and oversee the entire application process to ensure that all requirements are met and the chances of success are maximized.

Procurement and documentation of investment funds

One of the biggest challenges when applying for an E-2 visa is proving that the investment funds come from legitimate sources. This requires thorough documentation and often the submission of bank statements, tax returns and other financial documents. A Lawyer can help compile the necessary documents and ensure that they meet the requirements of the US immigration authorities.

Creation of a convincing business plan

Another critical aspect of the E-2 visa application is the preparation of a convincing business plan. The business plan must clearly demonstrate the economic viability and potential of the business. A Lawyer can help create a detailed and well-structured business plan that meets the requirements of U.S. immigration authorities.

Compliance with strict requirements

The US immigration authorities have strict requirements for E-2 visa applications. These include specific requirements on the amount of investment, type of business and job creation. A Lawyer can help ensure that all requirements are met and guide the applicant through the entire application process.

The E-2 visa

5. success stories and case studies

There are numerous success stories of entrepreneurs and investors who have become successful with an E-2 visa in the USA. These positive examples show that with the right preparation and support, the chances of a successful visa application increase significantly. Case studies can show potential applicants how others have overcome similar challenges and how a Lawyer in these processes.

Example 1: A small restaurant becomes a franchise

An entrepreneur from Japan decided to open a small sushi restaurant in California. With the help of a lawyer, he was able to draw up a detailed business plan and provide proof of the necessary investment funds. The restaurant became a great success and eventually expanded into a franchise with several locations in the USA. The entrepreneur was able to successfully extend his E-2 visa and bring his family to the US.

Example 2: Technology start-up from Germany

A German engineer founded a technology start-up in the USA that developed innovative software solutions for the automotive industry. With the help of a lawyer, he was able to create a convincing business plan and prove the investment funds. The startup grew quickly and attracted significant investment from US venture capitalists. The engineer received his E-2 visa and was able to successfully operate his company in the US.

Example 3: Family business from Italy

A family from Italy decided to buy and operate a small hotel in Florida. With the help of a lawyer, the family was able to prove the necessary investment funds and create a detailed business plan. The hotel became a popular vacation destination and the family was able to successfully extend their E-2 visa. The family's children attended American schools and the spouse obtained a work permit.

E-2 visa, non-immigrant visa, employment visa, investor visa, US visa

The E-2 visa

6. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the E-2 visa?

The E-2 visa is a nonimmigrant visa specifically designed for investors and entrepreneurs who wish to operate a business in the United States. It allows the holder to live and work in the U.S. as long as the business remains operational and profitable.

What are the advantages of the E-2 visa?

The E-2 visa offers numerous benefits, including the ability to live and work in the U.S., access to education and work opportunities for family members, and the ability to apply for work authorization for a spouse. There is also no fixed minimum investment, and the visa can be extended indefinitely.

What requirements must be met in order to obtain an E-2 visa?

To qualify for an E-2 visa, the applicant must be a citizen of a country that has an investment treaty with the U.S., make a significant investment in a U.S. business, the investment funds must be self-funded, and be used in an active business enterprise that contributes to job creation and economic development.

How does the application process for the E-2 visa work?

The application process includes identification and preparation of the investment, preparation of a business plan, proof of investment funds, submission of the application to the appropriate U.S. Embassy or Consulate, and an interview appointment at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. If the application is approved, the applicant will receive the E-2 visa.

What documents and forms are required to apply for the E-2 visa?

Key documents include proof of citizenship, proof of investment funds, a detailed business plan, company financial statements, tax returns, lease agreements or proof of ownership of business premises, business registration documents, business licenses and permits, bank statements and the applicant's resume. Forms to be completed include DS-160, DS-156E and G-28.

How can a lawyer help in the application process?

An attorney can help assemble the necessary documents, create a compelling business plan, oversee the entire application process and ensure that all requirements are met. An experienced attorney can also handle common challenges such as obtaining and documenting the investment funds and complying with the strict requirements of U.S. immigration authorities.

Are there any success stories of E-2 visa applicants?

Yes, there are numerous success stories of entrepreneurs and investors who have become successful with an E-2 visa in the USA. These positive examples show that with the right preparation and support, the chances of successfully obtaining a visa increase considerably.

How long is the E-2 visa valid for and can it be extended?

The E-2 visa can typically be issued for up to two years, but it can be extended indefinitely as long as the

The E-2 visa

7. conclusion

Summary and call for contact

The E-2 Visa offers foreign investors and entrepreneurs a valuable opportunity to live and work in the USA. However, due to the complexity of the application process and the stringent requirements, it is advisable to seek the assistance of an experienced attorney. An attorney can help compile the required documents, write the business plan and oversee the entire application process to ensure all requirements are met and chances of success are maximized. If you are interested in applying for an E-2 visa, do not hesitate to contact us to schedule a free initial consultation.

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Law firm for international law in Kerpen and Witten

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