recognition and enforcement
of US judgments in Germany and the USA

International receivables management in Germany and the USA

Strong partner in the enforcement of US judgments

Basics of the recognition and enforcement of US judgments in Germany

International enforcement law in Kerpen and Witten

International enforcement in the Federal Republic of Germany and in the EU

In the complex world of international business relationships, a sound understanding of the international enforcement and in particular the Recognition of US judgments in Germany for entrepreneurs and private investors. With the increasing globalization of business and private affairs, the ability to effectively conduct cross-border transactions is essential. Debt collection and International debt collection a clear competitive advantage. Alexander Thorlton, Attorney at Law, and Attorney at law Patrick Baumfalk are at your side as your experts in these matters, providing fast, internationally recognized, binding and customer-oriented solutions. Discover how you can enforce your claims safely and efficiently - read on for in-depth insights and professional support.

Enforcement of US judgments in Germany

Legal basis

General information on the recognition and enforcement of US judgments in Germany and the EU

The process of Recognition of US judgments in Germany and their subsequent enforcement is firmly anchored in the Civil procedural law and is primarily regulated by Sections 328 and 722 of the Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO). § Section 328 ZPO sets out the conditions under which a foreign judgment is recognized in Germany, including an examination of its compatibility with fundamental principles of German law and certain grounds for exclusion that could prevent recognition. Once recognition has taken place, Section 722 of the German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) enables the procedure by which the recognized judgment is enforced in Germany. These statutory provisions form the legal basis for effective international enforcementby ensuring that the Realization of the claim in strict compliance with German legal standards.

The consideration of Sections 328 and 722 ZPO is decisive for the Debt collection and ensuring that the cross-border enforcement process is both legally compliant and fair. For entrepreneurs and private investors seeking to enforce international claims, it is therefore invaluable to have experienced legal experts at their side who are not only familiar with the requirements of the Enforcement lawbut are also familiar with the specific grounds for exclusion and procedural requirements of the ZPO.

What procedural steps must be followed?

Recognition and enforcement of US judgments in Germany

Alexander Thorlton, Attorney at Law, and Patrick Baumfalk, Attorney at Law, are not only specialized in the international enforcement specialized, but also experts in the Successful debt collection. Their cross-border cooperation enables the realization of even the most complex debt collection cases. With a competent team characterized by in-depth expertise and extensive experience in international legal matters, they offer tailor-made solutions for the enforcement of claims across national borders.

An impressive example of their expertise is the case of a US entrepreneur who took action against a German company for the incorrect delivery of a machine. Although all accounts and the branch office of the German company in the USA were closed, the legal support provided by Thorlton and Baumfalk led to the judgment being recognized by the competent regional court in Germany. This recognition enabled successful enforcement in Germany and secured the Debt collection for the US entrepreneur.

For those facing the challenge of enforcing international claims, the cross-border expertise and commitment of Thorlton and Baumfalk can offer significant advantages.

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Successful enforcement of US judgments in Germany

International receivables management

The recognition and enforcement of US judgments in Germany confronts entrepreneurs and private investors with a number of challenges, particularly with regard to compatibility with German law. A key touchstone is compliance with the principle of ordre public, which protects fundamental notions of justice. In addition, the proper service of court documents or the guarantee of a fair trial in accordance with German standards can be decisive for recognition.

Alexander Thorlton, Attorney at Law, and Patrick Baumfalk, Attorney at Law, specialize in overcoming legal challenges in an international context. Their extensive experience with grounds for exclusion in recognition enables them to identify potential obstacles at an early stage and address them strategically. Their work includes a detailed analysis of each case to ensure that all necessary criteria for successful recognition and enforcement are met.

Given the complexity of this legal matter and the potential risks that non-compliance can entail, it quickly becomes clear how crucial professional support is. Knowledge of the specific requirements of the German legal system and the strategic handling of grounds for exclusion are essential to ensure success in the international enforcement process.

Case study: The enforcement of a compensation claim in Germany

A US technology company was confronted with the imitation of its patented inventions by a German company. After winning a patent infringement case in the USA, the US company wanted to enforce the judgment in Germany in order to assert claims for compensation. The challenge was to recognize the US judgment in such a way that it did not violate public policy and met all the requirements of a fair trial.

Thorlton and Baumfalk conducted a thorough analysis of the US judgment to ensure that it complied with German legal standards. They determined that proper service of process was made on the German company in the U.S. and that the U.S. proceedings met all fair trial requirements. In addition, they worked closely with German enforcement courts to obtain recognition of the judgment without violating public policy.

The result was successful: the German court recognized the US judgment and the US technology company was able to enforce its claims in Germany. This case highlights the importance of a sound legal strategy and expertise in international enforcement. It also demonstrates the crucial role of experienced lawyers who are able to bridge the gap between different legal systems and effectively defend their clients' interests.

The successful recognition and enforcement of judgments across national borders requires not only in-depth legal understanding, but also a strategic approach and comprehensive knowledge of international legal practice. In a world where business and legal affairs are increasingly globalized, the ability to effectively navigate legal challenges is becoming more and more important for the success of companies and investors.

Enforcement of US judgments in Germany

After US judgments have been successfully recognized in Germany, the critical enforcement process comes into force. This process is initiated by the need for a declaration of enforceability from a competent district court. This declaration forms the basis for the initiation of targeted enforcement measures, which are of crucial importance for the effective enforcement of claims. An illustrative example of this is the attachment of a German company's accounts by a US creditor. This measure followed the recognition of a judgment awarding damages to the US creditor for breach of contract and led to the direct securing of the sum of money awarded to it.

Alexander Thorlton, Attorney at Law, and Patrick Baumfalk provide outstanding support in this complex process. Their work is not limited to simplifying the application procedure. Rather, they develop customized strategies for enforcement aimed at significantly increasing the success rate in the collection of their clients' claims. Thanks to their in-depth specialist knowledge, they ensure efficient processing tailored to individual needs within international enforcement. These skills make them indispensable companions for entrepreneurs and private investors who are faced with the challenge of realizing cross-border claims.

Thorlton and Baumfalk's expertise covers a wide range of services, from detailed analysis of the legal situation and strategic planning to the practical implementation of enforcement measures. Their work is based on a deep understanding of the international legal framework and the specific requirements of the German legal system. Through their strategic approach and tailored advice, they are able to resolve even the most complex cases to the satisfaction of their clients.

This comprehensive support extends to all phases of the enforcement process. Thorlton and Baumfalk assist their clients from the initial consultation, through the filing of the application, to the successful realization of the claims. Their commitment and expertise play a key role in effectively protecting and promoting their clients' legal and financial interests. This makes them essential partners for all those who operate in an international business environment and are dependent on the secure and successful enforcement of their legal claims.

They not only simplify the application process, but also develop specific strategies for enforcement in order to maximize the realization of their clients' claims. Their expertise ensures customized and efficient processing in the international enforcementThis makes them indispensable partners for entrepreneurs and private investors who want to enforce cross-border claims.

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Best Practice

Recommendations for the realization of receivables

For entrepreneurs and private investors operating on the global stage and seeking to enforce international claims, a proactive and strategic approach is essential. The key to success lies in early and specialized legal advice that enables them to effectively navigate the complexities of international law. Alexander Thorlton, Attorney at Law, and Patrick Baumfalk, Attorney at Law, place particular emphasis on checking that all necessary documents are complete and correct. This step is crucial to avoid unnecessary delays or obstacles in the enforcement process and ensures a smooth enforcement of your claims.

An in-depth understanding of the legal steps and procedures not only speeds up the process, but also helps to identify and avoid potential pitfalls at an early stage. In the ever-changing landscape of international law, the ability to adapt to new legal frameworks and regulations is invaluable. Thorlton and Baumfalk's expertise in current developments and legal requirements maximizes efficiency in the enforcement process and significantly increases the chances of successful debt collection.

The combination of careful planning, meticulous document preparation and a sound legal understanding provides the optimal foundation for effectively enforcing international claims. This approach makes it possible to proceed strategically and strengthen your position in international legal relations.

These recommended practical steps emphasize the essential role of comprehensive preparation and professional assistance in the complex process of international enforcement. By following these guidelines, you will create a solid foundation for the successful realization of your international claims and ensure that your business interests are protected and promoted. Working with experienced legal experts such as Thorlton and Baumfalk will open up new opportunities for you to effectively achieve and secure your legal and financial goals in the global marketplace.

In addition, adapting to the dynamic requirements of the international legal framework is of great importance. Knowledge of the latest developments and legal provisions can be crucial in order to ensure the Efficiency in the enforcement process and to maximize the chances of a successful Debt collection to increase. Through a combination of careful planning, strategic document preparation and in-depth legal understanding, you can position your international claims for successful enforcement.

These practical steps underline the importance of comprehensive preparation and professional support in the international enforcement process. By following these recommendations, you will lay a solid foundation for the effective realization of your international claims.


The successful recognition and enforcement of US judgments in Germany marks a significant milestone in the increasingly close intertwining of business and private life, which has long since reached global dimensions. This complex process, which is largely governed by the German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO), presents itself as both a challenge and an opportunity for entrepreneurs and private investors to enforce their legally binding claims across national borders. In this context, the expertise of specialized lawyers such as Alexander Thorlton and Patrick Baumfalk is indispensable. Their in-depth understanding of international law and their ability to navigate through its complicated structures are key elements in not only recognizing claims, but also successfully realizing them.

In today's dynamic world, where legal and business landscapes are constantly changing, it is increasingly important to remain flexible and proactive. The ability to adapt quickly to new jurisdictions and market conditions can mean the difference between success and failure. Collaboration with experienced legal experts plays a key role here. It not only ensures success in the current legal environment, but also equips companies and investors with the necessary tools to meet future challenges.

The evolution of international relations and legal practices is an ongoing process that places new demands on strategic planning and legal advice. So how can we set the course to effectively protect and promote our interests in an ever-changing environment? This question highlights the need for ongoing strategic planning and collaboration with legal professionals. Such partnerships are essential to finding innovative solutions and developing strategies that not only meet current needs but also anticipate future developments.

Experts Thorlton and Baumfalk represent exactly this type of legal expertise and forward thinking. With their help, entrepreneurs and investors can navigate the complex waters of international law to achieve their goals and effectively protect their rights. Their work is a powerful illustration of how essential sound legal support is in today's globalized world - not only to meet the challenges of the present, but also to set the course for a successful future.

Do you need support in realizing US claims in Germany?

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International enforcement law in Kerpen and Witten

International enforcement in the Federal Republic of Germany and in the EU
