H-2B visa: a comprehensive guide

Law firm for international law in Kerpen and Witten

International law | Strong partner for US visa applications

H-2B Visa

Law firm for international law in Kerpen and Witten

Lawyer for - International Law | Employment Law | Criminal Law | IT Law | Data Protection

The H-2B visa is a nonimmigrant visa that allows U.S. employers to hire foreign workers for temporary non-agricultural jobs. This visa plays a critical role in various industries that rely on seasonal or temporary labor, such as hospitality, construction and landscape work.

H-2B visa, non-immigrant visa, work visa USA, H-2B employment, visa application H-2B

The H-2B visa

1. requirements for the H-2B visa

To apply for an H-2B visa, both the employer and the employee must meet certain requirements. The employer must prove that there are not enough qualified workers in the U.S. and that hiring foreign workers will not affect the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers. This is accomplished by applying for a temporary labor certification with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL).

The employee must prove that they meet the qualifications for the position offered and that they intend to return to their home country after the visa expires. A valid employment contract between the employer and the employee is also required.

Requirements for the employer

The employer must take the following steps to fulfill the requirements for the H-2B visa:

  • Recruitment effortsThe employer must demonstrate that it has made serious efforts to recruit U.S. workers for the position. This includes placing job advertisements in local newspapers and reporting the vacancies to state employment offices.

  • Temporary work certificationThe employer must obtain a temporary labor certification from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). This certification confirms that there are not enough qualified and willing workers in the U.S. to fill the open positions and that hiring foreign workers will not negatively impact the wages and working conditions of domestic workers.

  • Proof of the temporary nature of the workThe employer must prove that the work is temporary. This may include seasonal work, a peak load, temporary needs or a one-off event.

Requirements for the employee

The employee must fulfill the following requirements to obtain an H-2B visa:

  • QualificationsThe employee must provide evidence of the qualifications and skills required for the position offered. This can be done by means of references, certificates, professional experience or other relevant evidence.
  • Intention to returnThe employee must prove that they intend to return to their home country after the visa expires. This can be proven by family ties, property or other obligations in the home country.

The H-2B visa

2. application process

The application process for the H-2B visa is complex and requires careful planning and execution. The first step is for the employer to apply for temporary labor certification with the DOL. After receiving the certification, the employer must file Form I-129 with the U.S. Immigration and Citizenship Services (USCIS).

Step-by-step procedure

  • Applying for temporary work certificationThe employer submits the ETA-9142B form to the DOL and conducts the necessary recruitment efforts. This includes posting job advertisements and reporting job openings to state employment offices.
  • Filing of the I-129 form: After receiving the temporary labor certification, the employer files Form I-129 with the USCIS. This form requests authorization to employ foreign workers under the H-2B visa.
  • Visa application by the employeeAfter approval of the Form I-129, the employee must submit a visa application (Form DS-160) to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in his/her home country. A personal interview is usually required.

Important deadlines and dates

It is important to pay close attention to deadlines and dates throughout the process to avoid delays or rejections. The employer should submit the application for temporary labor certification at least 60 to 90 days before the employee plans to begin work. The employee should file the visa petition as soon as possible after receiving approval of the Form I-129 to allow sufficient time for the interview and processing.

The H-2B visa

3. necessary documents and forms

Various documents and forms are required to apply for an H-2B visa. Among other things, the employer must submit the temporary labor certification, Form I-129 and evidence of efforts to recruit U.S. workers.

Documents from the employer

  • Temporary work certification (ETA-9142B): This document is issued by the DOL after verification of recruitment efforts and the temporary nature of the work.
  • Form I-129This form requests authorization to employ foreign workers under the H-2B visa.
  • Evidence of recruitment effortsDocumentation of job advertisements, applicant interviews, and other efforts to recruit U.S. workers for the position.
  • Employment contractA formal employment contract between the employer and the employee that describes the working conditions and duration of employment.

Documents from the employee

  • Valid passportThe passport must be valid for the duration of the planned stay in the USA.
  • Visa application (DS-160)This form is filled out online and submitted to the US Embassy or Consulate.
  • Job offerAn official job offer from the employer describing the position and working conditions.
  • Proof of qualificationsCertificates, diplomas or other proof of the qualifications and skills required for the position offered.

Forms to be completed

  • ETA-9142B: This form is submitted by the employer to the DOL to request temporary labor certification.
  • I-129This form is submitted by the employer to the USCIS to apply for authorization to employ foreign workers.
  • DS-160This form is filled out online by the employee and submitted to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate to apply for the visa.
H-2B visa, non-immigrant visa, work visa USA, H-2B employment, visa application H-2B

The H-2B visa

4. rights and obligations under the H-2B visa

H-2B visa holders have the right to work in the U.S. for the specified employer and duration. They are entitled to fair wages and reasonable working conditions in accordance with U.S. law. The maximum length of stay under the H-2B visa is three years, with one extension possible.

Rights of H-2B visa holders

  • Work permitH-2B visa holders are authorized to work in the U.S. for the specified employer and position.
  • Fair wages and working conditionsH-2B visa holders are entitled to fair wages and reasonable working conditions that comply with U.S. labor laws.
  • Extension of the visaThe H-2B visa can be extended in certain cases, whereby the maximum duration of stay is three years.

Obligations of H-2B visa holders

  • Compliance with visa conditionsH-2B visa holders must abide by the terms of their visa, including working for the specified employer and returning to their home country after the visa expires.
  • Compliance with US lawsH-2B visa holders must comply with all U.S. laws, including labor laws.
  • Notification of changesH-2B visa holders must report changes in their employment status or address to the relevant authorities.

Family members of H-2B visa holders

Family members of H-2B visa holders can apply for an H-4 visa, which allows them to accompany the main visa holder to the USA. However, they are not allowed to work unless they obtain a separate work permit.

  • H-4 VisaSpouses and unmarried children under the age of 21 of H-2B visa holders can apply for an H-4 visa.
  • Work banH-4 visa holders are generally not allowed to work unless they receive a separate work permit (EAD).
  • Education and studiesH-4 visa holders are allowed to study and attend educational programs in the USA.

The H-2B visa

5. common problems and their solutions

There are several challenges that can occur during the H-2B visa process. One common challenge is the rejection of the application. This can be due to various reasons, such as incomplete documentation or insufficient proof of qualifications. In such cases, it can be helpful to consult a Lawyer who specializes in immigration law.

Frequent problems

  • Rejection of the applicationReasons for rejection may include incomplete documentation, insufficient proof of qualifications or doubts about the temporary nature of the work.
  • Delays in the processDelays can be caused by missing documents, incomplete applications or high workloads at the relevant authorities.
  • Problems entering the countryMisunderstandings at customs and border protection authorities can lead to problems when entering the country.


  • Legal support: A Lawyer, who specializes in immigration law, can help with compiling the necessary documents, meeting deadlines and representing you in legal problems.
  • Careful planningThorough planning and preparation can help to avoid common mistakes and delays.
  • Clear communicationIt is important to have all the necessary documents to hand and to respond clearly and truthfully to questions from officials.

The H-2B visa

6. legal support and advice

Legal representation can make the difference between a successful H-2B visa application and a denied one. Attorneys who specialize in immigration law can help with compiling the necessary documents, meeting deadlines, and representing you when legal issues arise.

Choosing the right lawyer

  • Experience: It is advisable to look for attorneys with experience in H-2B visas.
  • Reviews and recommendations: Reviews and recommendations from previous clients can help you choose the right Lawyer be helpful.
  • CostsThe cost of legal representation can vary, but investing in legal support can pay off in the long run.

Advantages of legal representation

  • Specialist knowledgeLawyers specializing in immigration law have the necessary expertise to make the process run smoothly.
  • Time saving: A Lawyer can speed up the process by ensuring that all required documents are submitted correctly.
  • Representation in legal problems: A Lawyer can represent the employer and the employee in legal problems and find solutions.
H-2B visa, non-immigrant visa, work visa USA, H-2B employment, visa application H-2B

The H-2B visa

7. FAQ on the H-2B visa

What is the H-2B visa?

The H-2B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows US employers to hire foreign workers for temporary non-agricultural jobs. It is particularly common in industries such as hospitality, construction and landscape work.

What requirements must be met in order to apply for an H-2B visa?

Both the employer and the employee must fulfill certain requirements. The employer must prove that there are not enough qualified workers in the U.S. and that hiring foreign workers will not affect the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers. The employee must demonstrate qualifications for the position offered and have the intention to return to their home country after the visa expires.

How long does the application process for an H-2B visa take?

The application process can take several months. The employer should submit the application for temporary labor certification at least 60 to 90 days before the employee plans to begin work. The employee should file the visa application as soon as possible after receiving approval of the Form I-129.

Which documents and forms are required for the application?

The employer must submit the Temporary Labor Certification (ETA-9142B), Form I-129, and evidence of efforts to recruit U.S. workers, among other documents. The employee must provide a valid passport, the visa application (DS-160), an offer of employment, and evidence of qualifications.

Can the H-2B visa be extended?

Yes, the H-2B visa can be extended in certain cases. The maximum duration of stay under the H-2B visa is three years.

Are family members of H-2B visa holders allowed to work in the USA?

Family members of H-2B visa holders can apply for an H-4 visa, which allows them to accompany the main visa holder to the USA. However, they are not allowed to work unless they receive a separate work permit.

What are common problems with the H-2B visa process and how can they be solved?

Common problems include rejection of the application due to incomplete documentation or insufficient proof of qualifications, delays in the process and problems entering the country. These problems can be solved with legal support, careful planning and clear communication.

Is it advisable to hire an attorney for the H-2B visa process?

Yes, legal representation can make the difference between a successful H-2B visa application and a denied one. Attorneys who specialize in immigration law can make the process smoother and more successful.

The H-2B visa

8 Conclusion

The H-2B visa provides a valuable opportunity for U.S. employers to hire qualified foreign workers for temporary non-agricultural work. However, the process is complex and requires careful planning to be successful. Employers and employees must fulfill various requirements and submit a variety of documents and forms.

Meeting deadlines and providing complete and accurate information is critical to the success of the application. Problems and challenges can be caused by attorney support, careful planning and clear communication.

Overall, the H-2B Visa be an effective solution for employers seeking temporary workers and employees seeking temporary employment opportunities in the United States. With the right preparation and support, the H-2B visa process can be successfully navigated to meet the needs of both parties.

Do you need legal support in applying for an H-2B visa?

Then contact us

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Law firm for international law in Kerpen and Witten

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